Want to start a new hobby?
Discover Beekeeping with Herd & Hive
Mentoring can often be very beneficial to new beekeepers to support them in the early years of learning about bees and beekeeping practices. Having a supportive friend to discuss worries or challenges with can be reassuring. Ultimately it can influence whether someone continues to keep bees or abandons the craft.
Some of our new beekeepers

It can be Daunting...
Getting your first nucleus of bees can be very daunting and often new beekeepers find themselves quickly forgetting what they learned initially or simply unable to keep up with the bees themselves, often resulting in frustration, incorrect husbandry and swarming.
Our 1 to 1 mentoring scheme will include a visit to our working apiary to provide a working knowledge of multiple hive setups and conditions, and several further visits from our head beekeeper to your own hive to help you gain confidence with your bee’s.
Subjects to be taught:
- Hive setup and kit evaluation
- Colony management
- Swarm prevention techniques
- Honey crop increases
- Colony disease identification and prevention
… and many other elements of your own working beehive